Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why did Arvind Kejriwal resign?

you must have been asked a hundred times, why Arvind Kejriwal resigned as the Delhi Chief Minister? Well, here is the answer.

AAP got only 28 of 70 seats in the Delhi Assembly election. Still, the Lt Governor invited Arvind to form the government, as the Congress (with 8 seats) had offered unconditional support. Finding it hard to believe, Arvind sent a letter to the Congress President listing out the 18 points in the AAP manifesto, including passing of the Jan Lokpal bill. The Congress reverted saying it will support AAP unconditionally on all 18 points. With this commitment, Arvind formed the minority government in Delhi.

However, when AAP presented the Jan Lokpal bill in the Assembly, the Congress and the BJP came together to ensure the bill is not passed. The Aam Aadmi Party had won the vote and trust of citizens of Delhi on the plank of anti corruption. And since the minority government could not pass the Jan Lokpal bill that was promised to citizens of Delhi, Arvind resigned. Click on the image below to know why Arvind resigned in Delhi.

The Aam Aadmi Party will return to form the government with a full majority and pass the Jan Lokpal and Swaraj bills in Delhi Assembly.

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