What happened when David took on Goliath? According to legend, David won. Okay, now what happens when a David takes on two Goliaths? David still manages to win, at least in the world of Indian politics. Ask Arvind Kejriwal, the new 'guerilla' in India's political jungle.
While much has been made about Aam Aadmi Party's remarkable transformation from political underdogs to the party currently ruling Delhi, marketing experts believe it's a great example of guerrilla marketing applied to the political milieu.
"We are fighters and a group of guerrillas," proclaims Dilip Pandey, party spokesperson and secretary, AAP. "We played their game, but with our rules." The politics may have been conventional but the approach was not.
Guerilla warfare seems a perfect descriptor of AAP's political battle, says Smitha Sarma Ranganathan, a brand communication specialist who teaches marketing management at International Business School (IBS), Bengaluru. "Its game plan to ambush opponents in their own territory is a combination of sharp strategy and smart tactics, both hallmarks of guerrilla warfare."
Prasoon Joshi, executive chairman, CEO & chief creative officer of McCann Worldgroup India considers this an example of the brand's message being in sync with its actions: "AAP was bang on target in consistency of its branding. They made a focused attempt, had a defined task, and put the elements of symbolism and branding perfectly in place."
According to the bestseller Marketing Warfare by Al Ries and Jack Trout, guerilla opportunities arise when a large company discontinues a product, thereby leaving a gap which a nimbler rival can exploit. This is exactly what happened in Delhi.
Two large political outfits — the Congress and BJP — discontinued their product ie quality governance. While the ruling party failed to deliver on its promises, the main opposition party frittered away an opportunity to win over the people. The gap was there and AAP capitalised by acting swiftly.
"The arrogance of the ruling class, thinking that it had a legitimate right to rule, and the arrogance of the opposition party of being a fighter did them in," says Abraham Koshy, professor of marketing at IIM Ahmedabad."
Tactically, AAP used all the three principles of guerilla warfare as listed by Ries and Trout: Identify a segment small enough to defend, never act like the leader and even if successful in the guerilla attack, be ready to enter or exit on short notice.
AAP identified a segment to test the political waters ie New Delhi, and came up with a very interesting value proposition: zero tolerance to corruption.
Both the main political outfits in Delhi had lack of clarity and no value proposition for the buyers (voters), says Koshy. "Consumers don't buy an iron just because it heats up.
The product has to offer something specific and obviously it has to be differentiated." AAP went to the basics, adds Koshy. "They said we won't be corrupt and it struck a chord with the audience." And this was communicated across every touch-point.
Guerilla marketing typically targets a specific demographic segment. And again AAP did that. It came up with separate manifestos for each electoral constituency in Delhi — something that no political party ever did. So, their customised manifestos had something for everybody, rather than the one-size-fits-all approach.
The electoral manifesto carpet reached both the masses and the classes, says Ranganathan of IBS Bengaluru. "Piggy backing on auto rickshaws, the message was driven home to every aam aadmi." The vision of a corruption-free India resonated to distant shores via social media platforms, she adds.
AAP never acted like the leader — the second main principle of guerilla marketing. In fact, they started from a position of weakness. Koshy of IIM-A says, "It always sent this message that 'I am trying hard and learning because I am not the leader.'"
However, political analysts feel that drawing similarities between marketing a product and a political message is superficial.
"They did use non-conventional techniques," admits political commentator Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, "and demonstrated that it's possible to run a political party based on voluntary donations from large number of people." But politics is not a product, he adds.
What AAP has done may be classic case of guerilla marketing, but marketing experts sound a word of caution. "Their talk of contesting 400 seats bothers me," says Arvind Sahay, professor of marketing and international business, IIM Ahmedabad. Guerilla marketing is a take from warfare, where you are fighting and scooting, and this is possible because of a nimble and small army, he explains.
Replicating Delhi across the country would have its share of limitations as they would fritter away the advantage and won't be able to concentrate on their resources. "I would be happy if they contest 100 and win 60 seats rather than contest 300 and win 30."
Source Link: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com
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