Saturday, January 25, 2014

Reality at Khirki Extension

There has been plenty of mis-communication over the past few days about what happened at Khirki extention in Delhi. Experts in the media has started to take positions and criticize AAP based on unconfirmed reports.

At this point, the only thing that we can say conclusively is that the people in the area have had a genuine issue and our corrupt, bureaucratic system has been unable to address this for years. What is important is that we recognize this and try and address this.

Until the dharna we had a case of a Danish woman being raped, a young woman being burnt and the drug trafficking and sex trade complaints from Khirki extension. Yet, no one was held accountable. The police had refused to take action claiming there was nothing wrong!

It's simple. It's corruption. There is collusion of our police with criminals.

Stop corruption. Fix responsibility. Hold our police accountable.

We are here to make this happen. If this makes us anarchists, so be it.

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