Saturday, January 25, 2014

Truth of Khirki Extension

The truth of the Khirki extension is presented below through a series of documents & videos.

1. Complaints of Khirki Extn - Details of old but unacted complaints filed by residents.

2. Analysis of the contents of the complaints - filed by alleged victims with DCW and also in the application filed under 156(3) with Saket Courts whereby they got an order of filing FIR as perceived from the media. Also we have a letter from two advocates of Saket Bar who witnessed SHO, Malviya Nagar dictating 156(3) application, an application to get an order from the court against his own self i.e. a conspiracy.

3. Letter written (transcribed from the video) by the case Investigating officer to AIIMS - It shows that they asked for frisking to be done by AIIMS doctors. They asked for urine etc. to be collected. My suggestion was blood samples which they refused on record. MLCs clearly records that all the four girls refused showing passport and refusing blood samples. (Video is there in the CD)

Accompanying Videos

  1. Condom and liquid spilled in the private car
  2. Lady police
  3. Naked in front of police - I
  4. Naked in front of police - II
  5. One girl caught
  6. Racial Discrimination by police
  7. Trying to hide drugs
  8. Written complaint

Source Link:

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